At this point the model is published, and the program builds a Document Object Model ( DOM) and writes it out to an intermediate XML file ( data). 在这里模型已经发布了,程序建立了一个DocumentObjectModel(DOM)并且将其写入中间的XML文件(数据)。
This article has shown how to translate a document using XLIFF as an intermediate file format, explaining all the stages of the process with simple examples. 本文讨论了如何将XLIFF用作中间文件格式来翻译文档,并通过一个例子介绍了该过程中的每个阶段。
Caching stores the results from these views or procedures in an intermediate storage that could be either a file or a relational database. 缓存将这些视图或过程的结果保存在中间存储中,以文件或关系型数据库的形式。
One advantage of pipes on Linux and UNIX systems is that, unlike some other popular operating systems, there is no intermediate file involved with a pipe. Linux和UNIX系统中的管道的优点之一是,与其他流行的操作系统不同,它们的管道不涉及到中间文件。
You can then use this FIFO file to move information from one application to another without storing the data in an intermediate file. 然后,您可以使用此FIFO文件将信息从一个应用程序移到另一个应用程序,而不需要将数据存储在中间文件中。
After you import the intermediate XML file to the target server, the settings of the transport configuration object have default values. 将中间xml文件导入到目标服务器后,传输配置对象的设置具有默认值。
This model gives you access to the intermediate results, which is great when you want to flow data to a socket or file system. 这个模型允许您访问处理过程中的中间状态,当您希望向socket或文件系统输送数据时会发现这一点非常有用。
Where two or more intermediate people's courts have jurisdiction over an application, the party concerned may choose to file the application with one of them. 两个或者两个以上中级人民法院均有管辖权的,当事人应当选择向其中一个中级人民法院提出申请。
If any send connectors are configured to use credentials, the password is written to the intermediate XML file as an encrypted string. 如果将任意发送连接器配置为使用凭据,则密码将作为加密字符串写入中间xml文件。
Based on the analysis of the theory of turbine blade, design process is divided into three parts: data selecting, calculating and data outputting. The development of software is to achieve the intermediate calculation. The results of the software are stored in dispersing as file; 通过对涡轮叶片型线设计理论分析,将涡轮叶片设计过程分为数据选取、中间计算、结果输出3部分。
The lamellar reference model, NC code explaining strategy based on intermediate file and multitask scheduling strategy proved with good effect in the system. 本文提出的层式开放系统模型、基于中间目标文件的译码方法、宏观调度和微观调度相结合的多任务调度策略在系统中起到了良好的效果。
Build An Intermediate Middleware between Database and XML File by DOM 利用DOM技术实现XML与数据库映射的中间件
The output file of this phase is the vector intermediate file. 该阶段的输出是中间向量文件。
The process of program self-generation is designed with reference to the steps of compiler, including the error check of EXCEL, the optimization and generation of XML as intermediate code and the design of program generator which generates C language control program from XML file. 程序自动生成过程参考编译器各阶段进行设计,包括对EXCEL表格填写内容的错误检查,优化生成XML形式的中间代码,以及设计一个程序生成器来读取中间代码并翻译生成C语言控制程序。